onsdag 13 december 2006

Gingerbread House

This is for all my South Korean visitors. I suppose you have christmas like us but I don't know if you have gingerbread houses like we have in Europe. So if I say that making small houses of gingerbread comes originally from Sweden. You probably will belive me! How cool isn't that! We also read stories about small children who get lost and finds a gingerbread house in the dark wood with icing and sweets in different colours. In that house lives a evil witch. She feeds the kids with all the sweets they can think of and they get really huge, with thick sausage fingers. Then she eats them and that'll teach kids not to run away and not to eat too much candy. If they do, the evil lady will come and finish them off. It's fun to scare small children! Why do you think we have invented Santa Claus? Name one small person who hasn't cried the first time his uncle came through the door with a round belly and thick beard, shouting "Ho Ho, do we have some well behaved kids in the house". If you were lucky it was the first house he visited and took his first drink. After three houses even the older kids were crying.

I hope that you all have been nice this year?

The gingerbread castle in the picture is made by me and Carl this weekend. We are hoping that a lot of small children will come and visit us!


2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

När ska vi krasha det?

Mirabelle sa...

Hehe.. jag måste ju krasha det innan jag sticker till malmö!
Haha.. kommer du ihåg när vi gjorde ett torn som var en giljotin... Det var synd om lilltjejen då ;)...